点评:This experience made me cry.
Absolutely the worst experience I've ever had regarding sighting animals (with a guided tour). The day started with a 4AM pickup (as discussed) to get to Oslob to go swimming with whale sharks. Once there, we were horrified to find out that this 'natural habitat' was merely a close to the shore attraction that kept multiple whale sharks caged and separated from the open sea with nets so tourists in groups of hundreds at a time can go swim near them. It's awful, unnatural, crowded and they leave you in line waiting for hours!! Bare in mind that, when part of a guided tour, you pay extra for this whole daytour after 6PM so this long waitingline is beneficial to the tour operator. The tour was supposed to include a 'professional briefing' before we left our hotel. This did not happen and the guide left us in the dark about many important details that could've prepaid us better for this visit and overall day.
绝对是我见过的最糟糕的动物观赏经历(有导游陪同)。这一天从凌晨 4 点的接送开始(如讨论的那样),前往奥斯洛布与鲸鲨一起游泳。到达那里后,我们惊恐地发现,这个“自然栖息地”只是一个靠近海岸的景点,将多只鲸鲨关在笼子里,并用网与公海隔开,以便数百名游客可以一起在它们附近游泳。这太可怕了,不自然,人满为患,他们让你排队等了几个小时!!请记住,作为导游的一部分,您需要在下午 6 点后为整个一日游支付额外费用,因此这条漫长的等待线对旅行社来说是有利的。在我们离开酒店之前,这次旅行应该包括一次“专业简报”。这并没有发生,导游没有告诉我们很多重要的细节,这些细节本可以为这次访问和整个一天提供更好的预付款。