点评:If visiting the fortress site yourself when the museum is closed, make sure you download the free site map/booklet which points out the areas of interest and history of each point (available in Norwegian only but can be translated). This way you can do your own 'tour' of the site whilst knowing more about what remains today. I downloaded it from forsvarsbygg website.
The fort today is built on top of a hill with the fortress divided into a lower section which houses the museum (opens during the short Norwegian summer, whereby you can see the interior) and the upper section near the top which still allows lots to see first-hand, such as AA defensive ruins, trench works, anti-tank wall, various types of bunker, MG and mortar bomb positions and the of course the naval turret itself. You could easily spend 3 hours here finding the key points of interest, reading about them from the booklet and taking pictures. Much has been preserved and it is well worth the effort to get to this remote location.
It is possible to save the taxi fare and walk to and from this site from Brekstad and to do so within the ferry times from Trondheim (I did this in October with 1 sailing in each direction). There is not a lot of leeway however with the walk taking 1 hr 30 mins one way (6.4km), although it is straightforward, over flat ground and follows the main road with wide pedestrian pathways for most of it.
翻译:如果在博物馆关闭时亲自参观堡垒遗址,请务必下载免费的遗址地图/小册子,其中指出了每个地点的景点和历史(仅提供挪威语,但可以翻译)。这样,您就可以自己“游览”该遗址,同时了解更多有关今天遗留下来的东西。我从 forsvarsbygg 网站下载了它。
今天的堡垒建在山顶上,堡垒分为下部,博物馆就位于其中(在短暂的挪威夏季开放,您可以看到内部),上部靠近山顶,仍然有很多东西可以亲眼看到,例如防空防御遗址、战壕工事、反坦克墙、各种类型的掩体、机枪和迫击炮阵地,当然还有海军炮塔本身。您可以轻松地在这里花 3 个小时找到关键的景点,从小册子中阅读它们并拍照。很多东西都保存了下来,值得努力到达这个偏远的地方。
可以节省出租车费,从布雷克斯塔德步行往返该地点,而且在从特隆赫姆出发的渡轮时间之内完成(我 10 月份这样做过,每个方向都有一班渡轮)。不过,没有太多的回旋余地,步行单程需要 1 小时 30 分钟(6.4 公里),尽管这条路很简单,在平坦的地面上,沿着主干道,大部分路程都有宽阔的人行道。