点评:The Fujinomiya route is shorter than the other three trails up Mt. Fuji, but it is also the steepest. Although some like to hike from the sea all the way to the top, most people start at the 5th station. You can get to the 5th station from the General Information Center parking lot either by taxi or by shuttle bus (no private cars).
Since it is so steep, it is highly recommended to use trekking poles or a hiking stick. Sturdy hiking boots are also a must, although I did see one person doing it in crocs. Prepare for any weather conditions. We were lucky that the weather was gorgeous, but we had rain gear and warm jackets in our backpacks just in case.
I highly recommend stopping for at least 15 minutes at each station to acclimatize to the altitude, in order to avoid Acute Mountain Sickness. I would also recommend staying overnight at the 8th or 9th station and then summiting the next morning. (You must reserve your stay in advance!)
You can purchase supplies at each station, but the cost keeps going up as you get higher. Consider packing in most of what you are going to need. Also, it does cost money to use the restrooms at each station, so bring plenty of 2¥ coins.
Mt. Fuji is such an amazing mountain and it is really cool that you don't have to be a professional mountain climber to reach the summit. That being said, it is a grueling hike and you will need to train in advance. It is a wonderful experience and accomplishment to climb Mt. Fuji and a very social one as well. Since the climbing season is so short, there are a lot of people on the mountain and you will have plenty of company. Take your time, make some friends, enjoy the journey, and be awe inspired at the top! 🗻 🥾 🇯🇵
我强烈建议在每个站点停留至少 15 分钟以适应海拔高度,以避免急性高山反应。我还建议在第 8 站或第 9 站过夜,然后第二天早上登顶。 (您必须提前预订住宿!)
您可以在每个站点购买用品,但随着海拔的升高,费用也会不断上涨。考虑打包好您需要的大部分物品。此外,使用每个站点的洗手间都需要花钱,所以请带上足够的 2 日元硬币。
富士山是一座如此神奇的山峰,您不必成为专业登山者即可登顶,这真的很酷。话虽如此,这是一次艰苦的徒步旅行,您需要提前训练。攀登富士山是一种美妙的体验和成就,也是一次非常社交的经历。由于登山季节很短,山上有很多人,您会有很多同伴。慢慢来,结交一些朋友,享受旅程,在山顶上惊叹不已!🗻 🥾 🇯🇵