点评:This is for World of Color Dessert Party (2nd showing). We pre-purchased tickets for our family of four. It was over $300 (included gratuity). First of all there is very poor signage for where to line up. We asked a cast member and were directed to where the actual event takes place, not where you line up. After walking all day, not cool. We finally located the line up area after circling several times, which is clear down a side street — for some reason. So you check in, line up, and then they walk the line down the street to the world of color area, where you line up AGAIN and then they let you in. You have 5-10 mins to sit and the waiters come by and unceremoniously place the treys of cheese, grapes, and little debbie-type cake stuff on your table. Fine, we expected that. But we barely had time to order a drink. My husband asked for a beer and was told they only have one kind. He was like, well, ok, I will have that. We watched the people in front of us get served two drinks by the time our waiter came to take our drink order (my husband’s beer, sons had tea and a water, and my shot-glass size wine) We got them just as the lights were going out. People around us got boxes for their food. We did not. Not even sure I would have cared to box any of that. However, for the cost, I would have liked a second drink and time to drink it. I don’t blame the cast member. There was no time given. They can’t wander around in the dark and the “party” lasts all of 10 mins at most. Ridiculous. We’ve been to several of these “parties” in Disney World and it was never like this. Would not recommend. As for World of Color One, felt kind of cheesy and forced. But maybe that was just my mood after the entire experience. Also if you are going to watch this show (in the free area!!!) bring a coat!!!
翻译:这是色彩世界甜品派对(第二场)。我们提前为一家四口购买了门票。门票超过 300 美元(包括小费)。首先,排队的标识很差。我们问了一位演员,他们把我们带到了活动实际发生的地方,而不是你排队的地方。走了一整天,真不爽。我们绕了几圈后终于找到了排队区,不知为何,它就在一条小街上。所以你登记、排队,然后他们沿着街道走到色彩世界区,在那里你再次排队,然后他们让你进去。你有 5-10 分钟的时间坐下,服务员过来毫不客气地把奶酪、葡萄和小蛋糕放在你的桌子上。好吧,我们预料到了。但我们几乎没有时间点饮料。我丈夫要了一杯啤酒,被告知他们只有一种。他说,好吧,我要那个。当我们的服务员过来给我们点饮料时,我们看着前面的人已经拿到了两杯饮料(我丈夫的啤酒,儿子的茶和水,我的是小酒杯大小的葡萄酒)。我们拿到饮料时灯刚好熄灭。我们周围的人拿到了食物盒。我们没有。我甚至不确定我是否愿意打包这些东西。但是,考虑到价格,我希望能再喝一杯,并有时间喝完。我不怪演员。他们没有给时间。他们不能在黑暗中四处游荡,“派对”最多持续 10 分钟。太荒谬了。我们参加过迪士尼世界的几次这样的“派对”,从来没有像这样。不推荐。至于《一号彩色世界》,感觉有点俗气和牵强。但也许那只是我整个体验后的心情。另外,如果你要看这个节目(在免费区域!!!),请带上外套!!!