点评:Cernobbio is enchanting and its beauty is stunning.
There are many things and monuments to visit.
The small church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is a little neglected and often ignored jewel that we suggest visiting.
It is located not far from the sanctuary of San Vincenzo .
Originally from the sixteenth century, it was however rebuilt in the seventeenth century.
With a small single hall, it has a very rich façade.
The façade, introduced by a large pronaos, is in fact almost entirely frescoed with geometric and trompe-l'œil motifs.
The interiors preserve large Marian depictions and elaborate stucco decorations.
This small and splendid church is located near Piazza Belinzaghi, just before Villa d'Este. Its construction dates back to the end of the 16th century and the first information regarding it is mentioned in a document, during the visit of Bishop Ninguarda, where it was listed as an "oratory" having a structure too small, and inadequate to celebrate mass in.
Around 1620 and from 1624 the faithful began to venerate the Madonna delle Grazie placed at the center of the altar.
The exact date of construction of the bell tower is not known, but documents report information about it around the middle of the 18th century.
The door that leads from the sacristy to the outside is not at street level, but about 140 cm higher, and does not have any steps; this is due to the widening and lowering works on Via Regina, carried out at different times.
It is very interesting to see this little door today that practically overlooks "nothing" while crossing the state road.
The façade dates back to the Baroque era and is adorned with an ancient wooden door surmounted by a stone portal bearing the inscription "Divae Mariae Matri Graziae", while a little further up you can admire a suggestive fresco of the Immaculate Conception dated 1671.
During the 19th century, the parish priest Giovanni Maria Ostinelli (buried in the church) carried out many expansion and improvement works. In this period the altarpiece was completed, while the painting of the Immaculate Conception, a copy of an original work by Morazzone, a popular painter very active in the city of Como between 1608 and 1613, was inserted in the 1930s. Previously the canvas was located on the left side of the presbytery and on the altar there was a niche with the statue of the Madonna. In the small church you can admire splendid eighteenth-century paintings on the walls of the nave: on the left "The mystical marriage of Saint Catherine", on the right "St. Dominic giving alms". Subsequently the church underwent an important restoration work under the guidance of the priest Gino Discacciati and on the project of architects and expert surveyors such as Chierichetti and Manzoni.
It is good to visit this small and too often forgotten jewel of Cernobbio.
最初建于 16 世纪,但在 17 世纪重建。
这座小巧而华丽的教堂位于贝林扎吉广场附近,就在埃斯特别墅前面。它的建造时间可追溯到 16 世纪末,有关它的第一条信息是在主教 Ninguarda 访问期间的一份文件中提及的,该文件将其列为“演讲厅”,其结构太小,不适合举行弥撒。
大约在 1620 年,从 1624 年开始,信徒们开始崇拜祭坛中央的感恩圣母。
钟楼的确切建造日期尚不清楚,但文献报道了有关它的信息,大约在 18 世纪中叶。
从圣器室通往外面的门不在街道水平面上,而是高出约 140 厘米,没有任何台阶;这是由于在不同时间进行的 Via Regina 的拓宽和降低工程。
教堂的正面可追溯到巴洛克时期,装饰着一扇古老的木门,门上是一座石门,上面刻有“Divae Mariae Matri Graziae”的铭文,再往上一点,您可以欣赏一幅 1671 年的圣母无玷始胎壁画。
19 世纪,教区牧师 Giovanni Maria Ostinelli(埋葬在教堂内)进行了许多扩建和改进工作。在此期间,祭坛画完工,而圣母无玷始胎画则于 20 世纪 30 年代插入,这是 Morazzone 原作的复制品,Morazzone 是一位在 1608 年至 1613 年间活跃于科莫市的著名画家。此前,画布位于长老院的左侧,祭坛上有一个壁龛,上面放着圣母像。在这座小教堂中,您可以欣赏到中殿墙壁上精美的十八世纪绘画:左侧是“圣凯瑟琳的神秘婚礼”,右侧是“圣多米尼克施舍”。后来,教堂在神父吉诺·迪卡恰蒂的指导下,在建筑师和专业测量师 Chierichetti 和 Manzoni 的指导下进行了重要的修复工作。