点评:I’ve visited Zero Gravity twice, and each time, I found something new to learn. The team takes their work very seriously, striking a balance between safety and offering new experiences for pilots. Personally, I wasn't very lucky with the weather during my XC camp, as conditions were mainly suitable for chicken flights. However, the instructors made the most of every opportunity, getting us in the air for those short flights, helping us explore new spots, local aerology etc.
The team is always transparent about the weather conditions. They communicate with local pilots to gather up-to-date information and consult with us to see if we’re willing to take risks — like driving 2.5 hours to the coast for a chance (not a guarantee) to fly.
If you’re considering a trip to Algodonales for paragliding, don’t hesitate! Book a week (or even better, two, to ensure good weather) with Zero Gravity. Come to enjoy, refine your skills, and immerse yourself in the paragliding community.
Thank you to Luisma, Iván, Jose, David, Marita, and Jorge for your passion, knowledge, and love for flying that you share with others. See you soon! 🖤
翻译:我去过 Zero Gravity 两次,每次都能学到新东西。团队非常认真地对待他们的工作,在安全和为飞行员提供新体验之间取得平衡。就我个人而言,我在 XC 训练营期间的天气不太走运,因为天气条件主要适合鸡飞行。然而,教练们充分利用了每一个机会,让我们在空中进行短途飞行,帮助我们探索新地点、当地航空学等。
团队对天气状况始终保持透明。他们与当地飞行员沟通以收集最新信息,并咨询我们,看我们是否愿意冒险——比如开车 2.5 小时到海岸去争取一次(不是保证)飞行的机会。
如果您正在考虑去阿尔戈多纳莱斯进行滑翔伞旅行,请不要犹豫!与 Zero Gravity 预订一周(甚至两周更好,以确保天气良好)。来享受、磨练您的技能并让自己沉浸在滑翔伞社区中。
感谢 Luisma、Iván、Jose、David、Marita 和 Jorge 与他人分享你们对飞行的热情、知识和热爱。期待再见!🖤