Challenging hiking: great views, but know what you're getting yourself into
Camel's Hump State Park的点评
点评:Challenging hiking: great views, but know what you're getting yourself into. The panoramic views at the top are gorgeous. The hike itself can be fun - IF you know what you are getting into. Most important part: do extensive research before attempting the Camel's Hump trail. We did the Forest Trail up and the Burrows Trail down. The information we had was very misleading. The distance traveled and the time it takes are much greater than advertised. The Forest Trail starts off as hiking, then turns into rock climbing, and then turns into mountain climbing. It can be treacherous at times. It is not for the faint of heart, and that kind of misleading information will get people seriously hurt. If we were properly prepared, I would have given it a higher ranking. However, the misleading information makes the rating lower.
翻译:具有挑战性的远足:美景,但要知道自己要做什么。顶部的全景非常漂亮。徒步旅行本身可能很有趣 - 如果您知道自己正在进入什么。最重要的部分:在尝试 Camel's Hump trail 之前进行广泛的研究。我们向上攀登 Forest Trail,向下攀登 Burrows Trail。我们得到的信息非常具有误导性。行进的距离和花费的时间比宣传的要长得多。 Forest Trail从徒步开始,然后变成攀岩,再变成爬山。有时它可能很危险。这不适合胆小的人,这种误导性信息会严重伤害人们。如果我们准备得当,我会给它更高的排名。然而,误导性信息使评级降低。