点评:I had a good experience until I went to reception and encountered Noleen and Naledi (I even wrote down their names so I could remember).
I cannot pay so much money to have a great experience, only for it to be diminished by your staff.
Please teach them both how to speak to customers, because their attitudes definitely ruined my experience.
I am so upset that I’m definitely not going to recommend this spa. This experience was me canvassing for a new spa to frequent, and I will say that 100% tell all my friends and family not to visit this particular spa.
Naledi and Noleen had a tag-team negative rebuttal in the way they responded to me as a customer, which totally ruined my experience. I can provide all details if need be - but in summary, they absolutely need to be re-trained on how they communicate with customers.
I will never come back to this Fourways branch.
我很沮丧,我绝对不会推荐这个水疗中心。这次经历是我在寻找一个经常去的新水疗中心,我会说 100% 告诉我所有的朋友和家人不要去这个特定的水疗中心。
纳莱迪和诺琳对我作为顾客的回应方式进行了负面反驳,这完全毁了我的体验。如果需要,我可以提供所有详细信息 - 但总而言之,他们绝对需要接受如何与客户沟通的重新培训。
我永远不会回到这家 Fourways 分店。