点评:Our Shepherd, Nij Vyas is the real deal, having experience in both -- herding in the farming context, and also herding in the competition context.
We were greeted by 4 friendly border collies -- Misty, Todd, Cap and Kai.
Misty and Todd were retired -- about 12++ years old, but their energy will surpass most teenage dogs.
Cap and Kai are actively helping out Nij with his herding activities.
We had the opportunity to watch all 4 dogs put their skills into play.
The main takeaway was the Cap + Kai pairing.
When they helped Nij, herd sheep
-- Moving the sheep away from us
-- Moving the sheep towards us
-- Splitting the sheep into different groups (this is useful if you need to take a small flock home for monitoring, but want to allow the rest to graze)
Working two dogs (Cap, Kai), at the same time was phenomenal.
They were completely in tune, with our Shepherd Nij, and 100% focussed.
The drive in these boys was insane, and there was no way they could be sedentary pet dogs.
What added to the authenticity of the experience was that we were herding wild sheep (sheep that were not used to dogs or humans). No prep, no set-up, no pen, just good old Nij and his dogs herding sheep in the open plains -- it doesn't get more real!
Herding wild sheep definitely made the activity tougher for Nij, but it also allowed for him to walk us through the difficulties that Shepherds (and their furry pals) would face when herding wild sheep in the plains. He also demonstrated how they would troubleshoot those scenarios, successfully gained the trust of the sheep and herded the sheep to their respective locations -- and this wasn't an experience that could be taught in a pen.
On top of learning about dogs, we also got to learn a great deal about sheep.
Who was to know -- that understanding sheep behaviour was equally (if not more) important when herding sheep.
We even got to try our hand on herding the sheep. Cap, Kai, Misty and Todd were kind enough to listen to us, and gave us the true blue experience of herding sheeps.
Thanks a bunch, Nij! It was an amazing experience, and we learn a lot. I’d highly recommend it—5/5!
翻译:我们的牧羊犬 Nij Vyas 是货真价实的牧羊犬,既有在农场放牧的经验,也有在竞赛中放牧的经验。
4 只友好的边境牧羊犬 Misty、Todd、Cap 和 Kai 迎接了我们。
Misty 和 Todd 已经退休了,大约 12 岁以上,但它们的精力将超过大多数青少年犬。
Cap 和 Kai 正在积极帮助 Nij 进行放牧活动。
我们有机会观看这 4 只狗发挥它们的技能。
主要的收获是 Cap + Kai 的配对。
当他们帮助 Nij 放羊时
-- 将羊从我们身边赶走
-- 将羊赶向我们
-- 将羊分成不同的组(如果您需要将一小群羊带回家进行监控,但想让其余的羊放牧,这很有用)
他们与我们的牧羊犬 Nij 完全合拍,100% 专注。
让这次经历更加真实的是,我们正在放牧野羊(不习惯狗或人类的羊)。没有准备,没有设置,没有围栏,只有老 Nij 和他的狗在开阔的平原上放牧羊群——没有比这更真实的了!
放牧野羊无疑使 Nij 的活动更加艰难,但这也让他带领我们了解牧羊犬(和他们的毛茸茸的朋友)在平原放牧野羊时会遇到的困难。他还演示了他们如何解决这些情况,成功赢得羊的信任,并将羊赶到各自的位置——这不是在围栏里可以学到的经验。
我们甚至尝试了放羊。Cap、Kai、Misty 和 Todd 非常友善地听我们说,并让我们真正体验了放羊。