点评:We wanted to avoid Taman Negara’s massification, so we took the Jungle Train (cheap, punctual and clean) to Merapoh.
Neezam, CEO of Merapoh Adventures, was waiting for us at the train station and dropped us to the guesthouse (big house, good wifi, two bathrooms, kitchen facilities, AC,…).
We ate either really good home food or local restaurant food (also delicious).
They fixed all issues (entrance to the park,…).
Excellent services at a reasonable price. Very good value for money.
They suggested several activities and we chose:
1) tree top walking: we saw monkeys in the morning. Easy activity. Recently innagurated. The first day we arrived it was raining, so they postponed to another day.
2) night walking on the jungle: very exciting. We had leech insecticide, but still got bitten. We really loved rhe sounds of the jungle.
3) elephants’ cave: few guides are capable to take you there and you should make the effort to walk, but it is really worth! Elephants stay there when it rains heavily and bats always are there.
4) waterfall trekk: land + river trekk. The waterfall is really beautiful. The trail is not very long but it is steep. You can swim at the waterfall.
5) Kelah fish sanctuary: 4x4 drive to an extremely clean river where the teethless fish eat from your mouth and you can swim with them. Ideal activity with kids.
Merapoh Adventures also offers to sleep in the jungle with tents, ascension to Mount Tahan and BIRDWATCHING.
We took pictures from Merapoh hill. The village is small, quiet and beautiful. Ask Neezam for the bus that departs from Merapoh to Kuala Lumpur. We stayed one extra night due to the train schedule.
By the way, we saw a small harmless bear crossing the road.
You should contact Neezam via whatsapp +60 19-372 1812 because email sometimes does not work.
Merapoh Adventures 的首席执行官 Neezam 在火车站等我们,然后把我们送到了宾馆(大房子,良好的无线网络,两间浴室,厨房设施,空调,......)。
5) Kelah 鱼类保护区:四驱车前往一条极其干净的河流,那里无牙的鱼从你嘴里吃东西,你可以和它们一起游泳。与孩子一起的理想活动。
梅拉波探险 (Merapoh Adventures) 还提供在丛林中搭帐篷睡觉、攀登塔汉山 (Mount Tahan) 和观鸟等活动。
我们在梅拉波山拍照。村子很小,很安静,很美丽。向 Neezam 询问从 Merapoh 到 吉隆坡 的巴士。由于火车时刻表,我们多住了一晚。
您应该通过 Whatsapp +60 19-372 1812 联系 Neezam,因为电子邮件有时不起作用。