点评:I purchased pearl earrings at Tahiti Pearl Market eight years ago. Beautifully matched eggplant colored pearls. My sales assistant was Lionel. He is quite the Pearl expert. I regretted not buying a baroque pendant at the time. When I returned to Tahiti, I headed back to the Tahiti Pearl Market and asked for Lionel. I found exactly the pearl I wanted in their display window. With Lionel’s assistance I chose the setting I wanted for mounting the pearl. I also found another necklace with 3 smaller oval pearls, the sizes & colors beautifully matched. Lionel assisted with the duty forms to reclaim the tax Another great experience with Lionel at the Tahiti Pearl Market. A great selection of pearls at all price points. It can be a bit overwhelming finding just the right pearl as the selection is so vast! But, you’re in great hands with a pearl expert like Lionel!
翻译:八年前,我在大溪地珍珠市场买了一对珍珠耳环。一对非常漂亮的茄子色珍珠。我的销售助理是 Lionel。他是珍珠专家。我很后悔当时没有买一个巴洛克风格的吊坠。回到大溪地后,我又回到大溪地珍珠市场找 Lionel。我在他们的橱窗里找到了我想要的珍珠。在 Lionel 的帮助下,我选择了镶嵌珍珠的底座。我还找到了另一条项链,上面有 3 颗较小的椭圆形珍珠,大小和颜色非常搭配。Lionel 协助我填写了税务申报表以退税在大溪地珍珠市场与 Lionel 的另一次美妙体验。各种价位的珍珠种类繁多。由于选择太多,要找到合适的珍珠可能有点不知所措!但是,有了 Lionel 这样的珍珠专家,您就找对地方了!