点评:We had an enjoyable experience with friends and family. It was marred by other drivers crashing constantly which meant only half our laps were competitive times as the other half had regular yellow and red flags.
Compared to drivers in the group after us, we did between 9-11 laps, they did 18 laps.
The drivers who were crashing also kept stopping to wait for each other even though it was a yellow flag, not red, which could have caused an accident.
We were also disappointed that we thought we were getting 3 x 15 min racing time as the Christmas special offer but we only got 2 x 15 mins.
We are planning on booking again at a different location and will see if we can book it for only our group of friends and family so there’s less people on the track and we can have more fun racing.
与我们后面的车手相比,我们跑了 9-11 圈,他们跑了 18 圈。
我们也感到失望,我们以为我们会得到 3 x 15 分钟的比赛时间作为圣诞节特别优惠,但我们只得到了 2 x 15 分钟。