点评:Grasshopper Tours ruined my South Korea bike tour. Here is what happened:
I emailed them long before the tour started and asked specifically if I needed any visas. An agent replied in an email that I did not a visa for South Korea as a citizen of the USA.
While getting checked in to my flight to Seoul, I was asked for an entry visa. I explained what Grasshopper had told me. They confirmed with several managers that South Korea does in fact have a required visa. This was at 1am in the morning in LA Airport.
I could not complete what I was told by the gate agents was the visa form on my phone until about 6 am the next morning, after spending the night in a chair in the airport. This was not the correct visa form.
After waiting until noon that day with no response, I emailed Grasshopper that I had not heard anything from my visa application online submission. Only then did they send me a different online form and told me that it could take 24 hours to approve.
By this point, I did not know many more days I would have to spend in the LA airport waiting for a visa approval. If I waited another 24 hours, I risked not getting a seat on the flights from LA to Seoul and missing the start of the bike tour.
Flights home to Denver were disappearing by the hour, and I also risked having to wait until the following morning to fly home.
I saw your email from the owner of Grasshopper Tours that the visa MIGHT only take 30 minutes after I landed in Denver, having bought a flight home out of my own pocket.
In summary, I was stuck overnight because Grasshopper did not inform me of the documents I needed to enter the country where they were running a tour. I hired a tour company, in part, to help me navigate documents required for the country I would be riding in. Grasshopper should have informed me as soon as a new visa process was created in South Korea a few weeks before my departure.
I then spent weeks arguing with the owner of Grasshopper about who was responsible for my ruined vacation. He refused to give me a full refund.
In conclusion, if you hire Grasshopper, be prepared to do your own research on visa requirements for the country you plan to visit.
翻译:Grasshopper Tours 毁了我的韩国自行车之旅。这是发生了什么:
在办理飞往首尔的航班登机手续时,我被要求办理入境签证。我解释了 Grasshopper 告诉我的话。他们向几位经理证实,韩国确实需要签证。这是洛杉矶机场凌晨 1 点。
在机场的椅子上过夜后,直到第二天早上 6 点左右,我才完成登机口代理告诉我的是我手机上的签证表格。这不是正确的签证表格。
等到那天中午没有回复后,我给 Grasshopper 发了邮件说我在网上提交签证申请时没有收到任何消息。然后他们才给我发了一份不同的在线表格,并告诉我可能需要 24 小时才能批准。
至此,我不知道我还要在洛杉矶机场等待签证批准的日子还有多少。如果我再等 24 小时,我就有可能在从洛杉矶到首尔的航班上找不到座位,而且会错过自行车之旅的开始时间。
我从 Grasshopper Tours 的老板那里看到了你的电子邮件,说签证可能只需要 30 分钟就可以到达丹佛,因为我已经自掏腰包买了一张回家的机票。
总而言之,我被困了一夜,因为 Grasshopper 没有通知我进入他们正在运行的国家/地区所需的文件。我聘请了一家旅游公司,部分是为了帮助我浏览我将要前往的国家/地区所需的文件。Grasshopper 应该在我出发前几周在韩国创建新的签证程序后立即通知我。
然后我花了数周时间与 Grasshopper 的老板争论谁应该为我毁掉的假期负责。他拒绝给我全额退款。
总之,如果您雇用 Grasshopper,请准备好自己研究您计划访问的国家/地区的签证要求。