点评:The setting was magnificent, especially in the Autumn. The architecture was stunning. We ate at the Eleven restaurant and the food was excellent.
The price was right. It was free which is unheard of these days.
The art and the art presentation was underwhelming. Part of it was the lack of cohesion and theme. Is there a difference between modern art and contemporary art? I don’t know what the difference is and the museum did little to enlighten me. And yet they have two separate wings.
Part of it was the art itself. It was less than.
Also the water surrounding the buildings was murky and took away from the setting when it should be a feature. They need to add some natural water features and filters to get that water moving instead of just sitting there.
Parking on a Thursday was daunting. I can only imagine a weekend!
翻译:布景很壮观,尤其是在秋天。建筑令人惊叹。我们在 Eleven 餐厅吃饭,食物很棒。