点评:Staying in Las Vegas for 4 days, and planning to attend a show at 7pm that evening (Billy Joel and Sting, yay!) I was looking for some exploration not far from Vegas. I had a few places on my list, and decided to go to Sloan Canyon. I used AllTrails to read the trail descriptions and choose one that worked for us, so that we wouldn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn, hike leisurely, have lunch, and go back to the hotel to get ready and get to Allegiant Stadium in time for the concert.
We hiked the Petroglyph Canyon Trail. The descriptions and suggestions on AllTrails were good. The first mile of the hike was a boring walk through a wash, and with the temperature in the high 70s i was starting to question my decision. But, after that the trail got interesting. We went clockwise, We didn't see any petroglyphs in the beginning. We saw plenty though, after we rock scrambled up the boulders. There is quite a bit of rock scrambling but it was worth going through the narrows, and the petroglyphs were cool to look at. We then headed down the Cowboy Trail, to complete the loop and return to the parking lot. Which meant, another mile in the boring wash. But all in all, a good hike, of about 4.1m.
Hiking shoes are needed.
翻译:在拉斯维加斯待了 4 天,计划参加当晚 7 点的演出(Billy Joel 和 Sting,太棒了!)我想去离拉斯维加斯不远的地方探险。我的清单上有几个地方,我决定去斯隆峡谷。我使用 AllTrails 阅读了路线描述并选择了一条适合我们的路线,这样我们就不必在黎明时分醒来,悠闲地徒步旅行,吃午饭,然后回到酒店准备并及时赶到 Allegiant 体育场观看音乐会。
我们徒步穿越了岩画峡谷小径。AllTrails 上的描述和建议都很好。徒步旅行的第一英里是穿过一条水沟的无聊步行,温度高达 70 多度,我开始怀疑我的决定。但是,在那之后,这条路线变得有趣起来。我们顺时针走,一开始我们没有看到任何岩画。不过,在我们爬上巨石后,我们看到了很多。有相当多的岩石需要攀爬,但穿过狭窄的路段还是值得的,岩画看起来很酷。然后我们沿着牛仔小径走下去,完成一圈并返回停车场。这意味着,在无聊的河沟里又走了一英里。但总的来说,这是一次不错的徒步旅行,大约 4.1 米。