Terrible, -5 stars if available
Apollo Beach Nature Preserve的点评
点评:I guess she or him lol, saw my post protected by my first amendment. Greeted by “Miss want to be a cop” and she never gave a valid answer to why the water wasn’t safe (Riptides). Surprised she is still there. I’ll film you next time yelling at me and post it FYI.
I would suggest, learn to live on the beach, and how to swim out of a ripe tide, that’s just a good idea anyways. Well, because of a few idiots that ruined it for all of us… Pig.. I mean Cop City made it to where no one can even put their feet in the water here. It’s also Trumpville, so expect to see a lot of just angry faces and mean people walking around with nothing to do but stare. Not really my kind of “beach” it’s a viewing center to look at the bay or fish. It’s heavily protected 🔫👮🏻🧐, God forbid you get in the water and grow an extra leg or something or don’t know how to swim! Hillsborough Trumpers City Counsil should change it to “Apollo Bay Viewing Sand Center or Fishing” It’s way more accurate. ✔️
我建议,学习在海滩上生活,以及如何游出成熟的潮水,无论如何,这只是一个好主意。好吧,因为一些白痴毁了我们所有人的生活……猪……我的意思是警察城已经发展到了没有人能把脚伸进水里的地步。这里也是特朗普维尔,所以预计会看到很多愤怒的面孔和卑鄙的人四处走动,除了盯着看之外无所事事。这不是我真正喜欢的“海滩”,它是一个观看海湾或鱼类的观看中心。它受到严密保护🔫👮🏻🧐,上帝禁止你进入水中并长出一条额外的腿或其他什么或不知道如何游泳!希尔斯伯勒特朗普斯市议会应该将其更改为“阿波罗湾观沙中心或钓鱼”,这样更准确。 ✔️