点评:This is a low key, cute lilttle museum on the history and life in Warnemunde housed in a typical fishermans cottage from 1767. Three rooms are exhibited including the dining room, kitchen/ bedroom and entrance area. A small garden representative of that period exhibits a pear tree and herbs. Interesting fact, the side alley of these types of cottages must be wide enough to fit a pregnant cow!
Warnemunde were treated terribly by the Rostockers and were made to purchase goods from them. This meant Warnemunders made their own products and many if these tools are on display. Warnemunder was burnt down in the 1400’s at the instruction of a Danish(?) queen. It established itself as a seaside resort in the 1900s. Other fascinating pieces:
A famous lady who spread her infectious personality selling herring almost all her life in Warnemunde.
There is also some history on Stefan Jantzen the famous sailor.
A video clip of a German solder rescuing an American in the after a plane accident during WW2. They remain friends.
翻译:这是一座低调可爱的小博物馆,讲述瓦尔内明德的历史和生活,坐落在一座典型的 1767 年渔民小屋中。博物馆设有三个房间,包括餐厅、厨房/卧室和入口区。一个具有那个时期代表性的小花园里种着一棵梨树和草药。有趣的是,这种小屋的侧巷必须足够宽,才能容纳一头怀孕的母牛!
瓦尔内明德受到罗斯托克人的恶劣对待,他们被迫从他们那里购买商品。这意味着瓦尔内明德人自己生产产品,其中许多工具都在展出。瓦尔内明德在 15 世纪被丹麦女王烧毁。它在 20 世纪成为海滨度假胜地。其他引人入胜的作品: