点评:It seems that the owner of Azam Marine is one of East Africa's richest businessmen. Perhaps that's why he - like many such persons around the globe - treat passengers (customers) with disdain, verging on abuse. His high speed ferry boats are ok, although obviously packed with as many people as can be squeezed into the economy areas. There were no delays on our crossing and the views together with fresh air are very pleasant.
But departure and arrival are chaotic hustle and bustle, no clear indications of where to go, people pulling at your arms in attempts to get tips, fear of baggage loss, total confusion about where to show your passport, where to show proof of the new Zanzibar 'insurance' tax for arriving tourists, a scrum around the baggage delivery and sweat and shouting. Some may find the struggle to depart and arrive in one piece as an mini-adventure. I was disgusted by the whole scene and by a wealthy operator who isn't prepared to invest a cent in improving the start and the finishing points of his 'travel experience.' Get your acts together guys!
翻译:看来 Azam Marine 的老板是东非最富有的商人之一。也许这就是为什么他——像世界上许多这样的人一样——对乘客(客户)不屑一顾,甚至近乎辱骂。他的高速渡轮还不错,尽管显然挤满了经济舱的乘客。我们过境时没有延误,景色和新鲜空气非常宜人。