点评:The coastline along Makena State Park is fabulous for its pristine nature with no resorts or development. The people here seem so laid back and friendly in this more rural part of Maui. They charge $10 to park at 3 lots but you can also just park along the Makena Road. There are magnificent photo ops here of the turquoise, green and bluish waters against cloud strewn skies where the sun sets to the west of Big Beach, the golden, sandy 3,000 ft stretch of sand is the longest beach in Hawaii. The beach is 100 ft wide and backed with shade trees and two lifeguard stations. A short ways from the south end of Big Beach is Secret Cove a spectacular little secluded beach. The trail to Little Beach in Makena State Park is at the northend of Big Beach at the foot of the cinder cone Puu Olai. Highly recommend a visit to Makena State Park and you will not be disappointed with its shoreline and backdrop mountainous beauty with cactus plants permeating the dry, rain shadow southwest side of Maui.
翻译:马克纳州立公园 (Makena State Park) 沿线的海岸线因其未开发度假村或未开发的原始自然而美不胜收。在毛伊岛这个偏乡村的地方,这里的人们显得如此悠闲和友好。他们在 3 个地段停车收费 10 美元,但您也可以沿着 Makena Road 停车。在这里,碧绿、绿色和蓝色的海水映衬着云层散布的天空,太阳落在大海滩以西,3,000 英尺长的金色沙滩是夏威夷最长的海滩。海滩宽 100 英尺,背靠绿树成荫,设有两个救生员站。 Secret Cove 距离大海滩南端不远,是一个壮观的僻静小海滩。通往马克纳州立公园小海滩的小径位于大海滩北端,位于煤渣锥 Puu Olai 脚下。强烈推荐参观马克纳州立公园,您不会对其海岸线和山区美景感到失望,仙人掌植物遍布毛伊岛西南侧干燥的雨影。