点评:Worst experience at a kids playground. Sneaky about their membership teams and overall just so dirty and smelly especially the washrooms.
They offer monthly memberships but are not willing to respect the cancellation and just keep charging the monthly fees after cancellation. Communication with their membership team is frustrating and no respect shown for their customers. Taylor C from their team is not willing to listen and work with me.
I highly recommend not going to this place at all since there are other choices. If you insist on going, watch out for their membership terms and keep an eye after you cancel for continued charges. And cancel at least 5 days before since they don’t accept phone cancellation and only confirm after a few days.
I had to resort to credit card dispute to get back a refund for unused and unwanted memberships.
他们提供包月会员资格,但不愿意尊重取消资格,只是在取消后继续收取月费。与会员团队的沟通令人沮丧,而且没有表现出对客户的尊重。他们团队的 Taylor C 不愿意倾听我的意见并与我一起工作。
我强烈建议根本不要去这个地方,因为还有其他选择。如果您坚持要去,请留意他们的会员条款,并在取消后留意后续费用。并且至少提前 5 天取消,因为他们不接受电话取消,只能在几天后确认。