点评:We are guests and frequent visitors to your wonderful country.
The greeting today from Kelly was more hostility than hospitality. I have NEVER in the US (that we love) been made to feel more unwelcome.
Visiting with a group of eight friends and being told we could not sit together because ‘our tables are designed for 6’ is simply appalling customer service a a very poor business decision from front of house. We could have walked away however
the occasion was rescued by a more customer focused waitress who was so helpful and combined a 6 table with a 2 table and hey - happy paying customers!!!
The products- pizza and wine were superb as was the table service which was faultless - the only bad taste was the initial hosting.
As the manager of a leading visitor attraction in the UK I understand the importance of feedback and customer reviews- your host has the opportunity to turn assassins for your business into ambassadors - on this occasion, based on my experience, she let you down badly.
与八位朋友一起拜访,并被告知我们不能坐在一起,因为“我们的桌子是为 6 人设计的”,这简直是令人震惊的客户服务,是前台非常糟糕的商业决策。然而我们本可以走开
这次活动是由一位更加以顾客为中心的女服务员拯救的,她非常乐于助人,将 6 桌和 2 桌组合在一起,嘿 - 快乐的付费顾客!
产品 - 披萨和葡萄酒都很棒,餐桌服务也无可挑剔 - 唯一不好的味道是最初的接待。
作为英国领先的旅游景点的经理,我了解反馈和客户评论的重要性 - 您的主人有机会将您的业务刺客变成大使 - 在这种情况下,根据我的经验,她让您非常失望。